A portion of all the offerings given to Faith Lutheran Church go to support the Mission Work of The Church of the Lutheran Confession. The CLC Board of Missions oversees the support several Mission Congregations in the United States and Canada. In addition to the Mission efforts in North America, we are helping to spread the Gospel in India and Africa. We are affiliated with two Lutheran church bodies in India, and several church bodies in Africa. Most recently, the CLC began working with Lutheran groups in Nepal and Myanmar. The CLC also helps to support two orphanages in India and Nigeria as well as one school for AIDS orphans in Kenya. CLC members or congregations are given the opportunity to care for one or more orphans by giving a monthly offering to Project Kinship, an official arm of the CLC, which serves to administer this financial assistance.
Please follow this link for more information about CLC Mission Opportunities: www.lutheranmissions.org
The offerings of God’s children given at Faith help support seminaries, Bible Schools, and pastoral training centers for Gospel outreach in the African countries of Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe as well as Nepal, Myanmar, and India in Asia.