Active filter: Book: Matthew (x)
Series: 2020 Sermons (6), 2019 Sermons (3), 2018 Sermons (2), 2017 Sermons (8), 2013 Sermons (2).
Service: Sunday Morning (12), Sunday Worship (8), Midweek Meeting (1).
Date: 1970 (1), 2011 (3), 2017 (6), 2018 (2), 2019 (3), 2020 (6)

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Sermons (21)

"His Blood Be on Us"
Matthew 27:22-25 (Part of the 2020 Sermons series).
Preached by Pastor Stefan Sonnenfeld on March 29, 2020 (Sunday Morning).
Jesus Gives Us the Pattern for Mission Work
Matthew 4:12-23 (Part of the 2020 Sermons series).
Preached by Pastor Stefan Sonnenfeld on January 26, 2020 (Sunday Worship).
Advent 3
Matthew 1:18-25 (Part of the 2019 Sermons series).
Preached by Pastor Stefan Sonnenfeld on December 18, 2019 (Midweek Meeting).
“Bear Fruits Worthy of Repentance”
Matthew 3:1-12 (Part of the 2019 Sermons series).
Preached by Pastor Stefan Sonnenfeld on December 8, 2019 (Sunday Worship).
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